I'm not going to complain because there are people who has it way worse than me. It's nothing bad or so just that I have a cold who won't breakout it's just lurking and teasing me and my patience. It's so frustrating going around sneezing and blowing my noose without any effect, not so much during work but more when I'm at home relaxing. My job are quite an active one most of the day and not even going in stairways or bicycling has hurried the cold to breakout. Gaaahhhh I haven't been sick for almost a year I think, well when I stopped drinking soft drinks my body was in agony for several days and my stomach was not a happy one for almost a week. So that happend in April but since then I haven't been sick or taking any sick days. So right now it gets a bit worse every day which is particular irritating, not even a good work out has made the cold grabbing hold of me. So I don't know what to do because I'm well enough to go to work but I'm a bit of a wreck coming home at night due to lack of energy. Yesterday I was so annoyed I even asked a co-worker if I could get his bacilles because he was feeling ill with a fever which meant that I hopefully could get really sick so this could go over and I could be myself again. Long story short no bacilles and no out break of the cold for Andreas. Yes, that was me referring to myself in third-part, I do that sometimes to annoy people.
Mum and dad has fled up north to visit my brother and his family. Vincent turns 4 years old tomorrow, can't believe it's been four years already. It's been four years of joy and pain, with laughs and tears, with big big challenges for the little guy but he has put up a fight that I never seen before and most likely never have to see again. With all hopes he will be victorious and conquer anything that lies ahead of him. So happy birthday nephew I love you:)
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