Now I am on my way home after visiting my brother and his family in Östersund. It's been a good visit with a lot of activities with the family. I travelled up on Thursday by train from Gothenburg to Stockholm with the fast train and then after an hour layover in Stockholm continued on a more regular set. The entire journey took about 9 hours to reach Östersund but I rather go by train then sit nine hours in a car. I had the option to go back home with my parents today but I decided to travel back home with the train. My mom wondered why I didn't wanted to go with them, I just said I had my reasons that had nothing to do with them at all. The main reason is that I want to be independent and that I can do things by myself. It's a bit of a confident and self-esteem thing. The fact is that I can't rely on my parents all of my life, they will not always be around to spoil me with their love, affection and most of all their enormous support.
I think I have had written before in this blog, they have always been there for me no matter what and I can't be more proud to be their son.
The schedule this weekend has been full not much down time to relax, it's been full speed ahead most of the days. On thursday I travelled up north, my brother and nephew meet me at the station and we went back to their place. Since I slept on the sofa I woke up early on Friday and after awhile the others woke up, we had breakfast and then went for a walk down to Lillänge shopping centre so I could buy new in-ear headphones because I forgot my Ipod with my good headphones at home, the spare ones I did pack are 13 years and been used a lot so you can say that they are not in the best condition. After that we walked back to my brothers place so Johan and Cathrin could prepare for Easter dinner with our and Cathrin's parents. Me and my nephew watched dinosaurs videos on youtube and read a book about dinosaurs that they have loaned from the library. My nephew is totally obsessed with dinosaurs at the moment, its dinosaurs that and dinosaurs this, it's adorable. After dinner I went with my parents to our summer/winter house that is outside Östersund.
Saturday was the big day with the christening of my niece, whom I am godfather to. It was a good baptism and the ceremony was about 40-45 minutes which I found appropriate since that it wasn't church service. After church we went to Cathrin's parents place for refreshments. On Friday Vincent and I had decided to go to the movies and see "Puss in boots", my nephew liked it as did I. We had dinner when we got back to Cathrin's parents place, after that me and my parents went back home to our cabin.
Yesterday was the first day I could relax a little, we just had dinner planned with my brother's family, we made it really easy and made tacos. Since both me and my parents was going home today I went with my brother back to Östersund so my parents didn't had to drive me to the train. This morning went good, I got up in time and were able to say goodbye to Johan's kids and fiancee before my brother took me down to the train station. Right now it seems that we should be on time to Stockholm and then I have 20 minutes to switch train to Gothenburg. Tomorrow I have work but I be able to sleep in a bit, I switched with a colleague so I work the afternoon shift where I start 10.30am and work to 7pm.
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