tisdag 18 september 2012

good decisions:)

I'm glad that most of my decisions turned out to be spot on. One thing that annoys me is that people feel that they somehow have the right to spread rumours about me. For example, a former friend of mine felt that she had the right to out me to people that knows who I am and knows my family. If I wanted them to know that I'm gay I would have told them that in some way but that should have been my decision and done in my way. What is done is done and it is what it is but the same friend are saying that I am spreading a rumour about her doing a homemade x-rated film. I will neither confirm or deny if that movie exists or not, that is something between her and her maker;) She has dragged in my name in her mess and I don't like it at all and I will have to deal with this mess. More and less I have to clean it up and make it right. The truth will always prevail in the end and it will punish those who tells lies. I hate people who will tells lies about other people.

Other than that I feel pretty good, just had a classic Andreas cold. First thing that presents itself is an irritated throat and headache, then fever and nasal congestion although this time it wasn't that bad. My friends says that I sounds like an elephant or a trumpet when blowing my nose, anyway they have a laugh out of it every time and complains if I don't warn them before I need to blow my nose.

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