fredag 12 oktober 2012

confusion and work

I'm confused... really confused. Start of with how well I do get along with people in general but then there is people who I can't stand because of their stupidity. It's not that I was going to write about at all. The confusing thing is that there is this guy who I am sure that he is straight but I get really mixed signals from time to time and I'm not the only one who has picked up on this. The other day our teamleader at work asked me if I'm sure if he is straight. That have led me to think a lot on his behaviour towards me and I am not so sure on his sexuality anymore. He might be bi but I still consider him straight until he says something else and he is not the only guy I get this from. If you ask a twenty-thirty year old guy how it goes wiith the girls, a straight dude normally says something like you know good but a few guys I have talked to totally avoids the subject which leds me to think two things: One, he is straight but really shy about those things which is totally fine; Two, he might be bi or gay but is scared to admit it or scared to accidentally out himself to others. I might not be the right guy to say what's right or wrong when I'm not out at work.

I was thinking that this guy might have noticed it and that's why I'm getting mixed signals. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing things as usual can't really turn it of and it's annoying like hell.

This week has been a good week with me learning a new route in Nödinge. It's a route which we uses the cycle and I have to admit I like it, it's a good mix with apartment buildings and streets with villas. I like it when I am able to learn new things at work, it's a satisfying feeling after you master the route on you own.

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