onsdag 26 december 2012


I think I've spent about a total of 5 hours of shopping so I think I've been pretty efficient doing my christmas shopping. This is the the season to be glad about many things in life considering the economical situation in many areas of the world. It's just not countries that are in a bind but the common man in general that are trying their best to support their families. I've been fortunate enough to have a good job that pays good enough for to live my life without any big worries. Many things in life is superstitious and we take things for granted without realizing it.

I'm still under the weather, the cold I caught won't give in at all, I don't have a fever but I feel like shit. The biggest problem I've with this cold is that my voice is cracking and that I'm really hoarse, I shouldn't been outside like the other day when I was at Liseberg with my brother and his family. I meet up with them directly after work and I didn't have warmer clothes with me so I started to freeze and didn't warm up until late that evening. Last Saturday, I and most of my colleagues had to work so it wasn't a normal Saturday for me, I'm used to be able to sleep in and wake up late. The board of Posten decided to listen the wishes of internet companies to give people the chance to get all presents that they ordered online and also to deliver as many christmas cards as possible before christmas. It's not often that I see people being really surprised seeing us out on a Saturday. Anyway I was dead tired when I got home, I was out cold at 10 pm and slept until 7 am which is way to early for me to wake up on a weekend. The positive note is that I'm got two days off next week which means that I won't be back at work after the new year and having nine days off might help me get well, at least I that's what I hope for.

So this is the season to be grateful for what you got, I have a good family that is doing well. Vincent is doing really good, Havanna thrives, mum and dad is seeing the possibilities of having an apartment instead of a big house. You can see that the pressure dad has felt is going away, he seems happier and not so troubled, mum caught my cold so she is sick. My brother is my brother, I love him and all of my family equally but the last weeks has been so intense so when the dust settled we most likely need some time off from each other. I'll guess all moving business is taking its toe on me and I'm really looking forward to going back to my normal routines. All this aside I'm grateful to have them in my life, they are great and the best.

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